What are the different Types of Digital Marketing

Updated: 10 Sep 2024


In 20s all the businesses are using different digital marketing techniques to get benefit of online world. Some are focusing on the websites by doing SEO and get search engine results benefits, some use social media platforms to sell their products by running paid campaigns, a few are focusing on email marketing and business owners also use google ads program for making better ROI.

Types of digital Marketing
What Are The Different Types Of Digital Marketing

All these are included in digital marketing but are different from each other. lets start exploring different types of digital marketing and details to know about benefits and usage experience.

Digital Marketing

Lets start with the definition, Any effort to promote a brand, business or product by using resources that may or may not be connected with the internet is called digital marketing. If we take a look on the internet resources we will find that Facebook, YouTube, Google, Websites, and Mails are widely used for digital marketing and these are considered as the most prominent sources for getting better and more accurate results from a digital marketing campaign, however on the hand radio and television ads are also comes in this digital marketing field but these are not concerned with the internet. Nowadays digital marketing is giving the highest ROI for any kind of business, brand or product. Digital Marketing can be done through various ways which are supposed to be the types of digital marketing. You can use any type of digital marketing by knowing the exact channels where your customers visit in order to get information about your service.

Types of Digital Marketing

Types of Digital Marketing

Following are the different types of digital marketing.

  1. Content Marketing
  2. Social Media Marketing
  3. Virtual Reality Marketing
  4. Search Engine Optimization
  5. Search Engine Marketing
  6. Online PR and Reputation Management
  7. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
  8. Email Marketing

1. Content Marketing

Most of the customers use Content to gather information about a product before going for its purchase. In this type of digital marketing a high quality content is created in order to attract targeted customers and keep them engaged. It is highly recommended as it increases brand worth. Here is how content marketing works as a type of digital marketing;

  • Content Creation: This can include writing blog posts, creating and editing videos, writing highly engaged infographics, eBooks and case studies in which information about the product will be provided in a unique way.
  • Content Advertising: After content creation use different digital marketing channels such as websites, social media, Google search engine and emails to advertise your products. You can use those websites for advertising your content that have huge traffic and visitors can become your ideal customers.
  • Engagement: constant creation and content distribution is not just enough you have to remain engaged with the customers by solving their queries, replying to their comments, providing reviews and praising your product before them
  • Analysis: After a successful campaign take a seat and analyze the data carefully and understand what best resonates with your customers. Traffic analysis, conversions rates and Clicks will help you to refine your campaigns.

2. Social Media Marketing

Social media highly promotes your business but it involves several strategic steps in visibility, engagement, and brand loyalty enhancement.

Here is a step by step guide on how effectively social media can be used for promoting businesses:

  • Identifying Targeted Audience: Understanding the target audience is very important before launching a social media campaign, which involves checking potential customer’s interests, demographics, and social media activities. This practice will direct your content to meet their preferences.
  • Choosing the Right Platforms: After a careful research choose the social media platforms that are mostly visited by your ideal customers and it can be a business place. Mostly used platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Pinterest.
  • Content Strategy: Content strategy is very important in digital marketing. It involves shaping and designing content such as posts, stories, videos, infographics, and articles. You should be assured that your content is engaging, relevant, and valuable to your customers.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Always remain a step forward in responding to comments, messages, and reviews. Engaging with your audience helps in building relationships with your ideal customers and encourages brand loyalty.
  • Run ads Campaigns: Social Media advertising options help to reach a larger audience by using their meta feature. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer targeted advertising options to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. So it can be a high benefit by running paid advertising campaigns on these social media platforms.
  • Use of Analytical Tools: After launching a paid campaign track the performance of your social media efforts by using analytics tools provided by the platforms or third-party services. Check engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions to know about the success ratio and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Social Media Influencers: Contact with the social media influencers and partner with them who can promote your brand to their followers. Choose influencers carefully and select whose audience can be your target customer.
  • Stay Up To Date With Trends: Keep yourself updated with the latest social media trends and redirect your strategy according to the platform’s algorithm.

3. Virtual Reality Marketing

In Virtual Reality (VR) marketing VR technologies are used to create immense experiences for promotion of products or brands. This activity helps customers to engage with a brand in a more interactive and engaging way as compared to other marketing methods. In short, virtual reality marketing is a virtual representation of products or brands in order to give the audience the best possible information in a simulated environment. This includes 3d pictures, 3d modeling, videos and animation videos etc

Step by Step guide is given below for how virtual reality marketing works for digital marketing purposes.

  • Concept Development: As in VR marketing digital marketers design a VR experience according to their branding, thus concept about brand representation has to be made carefully and it must include clear messages about the brand awareness.
  • Content Creation: In Virtual Reality marketing VR content like 3D modeling, 3d animation, and other techniques are used to showcase the brand or product. The more engaging the content is, the more effective it will be.
  • Platforms To Use: Before choosing the platform there must be a deep research about the target audience.  The Virtual Reality experience is shown through different platforms, such as VR headsets such as  Oculus Rift, HTC Vive etc or via more easily available methods like smartphones and web browsers. So always choose the platforms which can have high numbers of targeted audience.
  • User Engagement: When you make the best virtual reality representation content and then choose the best platforms to showcase your brand then users engage with the VR experience. They may interact with virtual products, explore virtual environments, or participate in branding. 
  • Data Collection and Analysis: After a successful virtual reality marketing campaign collect the data and analyze it through different tools and find where your audience interacts most. This will help in building future VR campaigns and in calculating ROI.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimizing a website in Google search results is search engine optimization. It is the most useful and long term marketing strategy. As most of the people use Google to solve their problems and if your brand is visible in search results then it will increase your brand worth at national and international level. It totally involves making engaging content and optimizing it for Google search console through on page and off page techniques.

Here is a step by step guide on how to use this type effectively;

  • Website Development: As the search engine shows websites in results thus there is no chance of doing seo without a website. That’s why the first step is to make an attractive, eye-catching, responsive and seo friendly website for your brand , business or products.
  • Keywords Research: The most important part of a website’s seo is keywords research because when you don’t know what your buyer is Searching on Google then how you can rank before him. Thus it is important to find relevant, high search volume and low SD keywords for targeting them in content.
  • Content Strategy: After finding keywords the next step is to create engaging content by targeting keywords through blogs, images and videos etc.
  • Backlinks: After creating engaging content and rankings on specific keywords contact other websites ranking on those keywords for backlinks collaboration for fast ranking.
  • Technical SEO: It is very important that the website should be technically optimistic. It must be a mobile friendly and dynamic website. Technical seo involves speed Optimization and website shape designing on different devices.
  • Data collection and analysis: In seo data is everything, after targeting keywords in content check for seo results through different tools such as semrush, ahref and ubersuggest. Analyze the data carefully and step forward to target the relevant traffic again and again in search results.

5. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

In Search Engine Marketing a website is made visible in Google search results by paid advertisement. In paid advertisements you have to pay every time your ad is clicked by a user in Google search results. It is a cost effective method of digital marketing.

These steps must be keep in mind before going to investing in SEM;

  • Keyword Research: Finding relevant and high demand keywords that target customers use to find products or services same as you offer.
  • Ad Creation: Ad Creation is a very important step in SEM because when a user clicks in Google search results he will stay on the website only if he finds the results useful and according to the need.
  • Bidding: Set bids for chosen keywords in a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where you have to pay each time a user clicks on your ad.
  • Targeting: Target audience is another important factor in SEM which involves factors like location, device, and search intent to assure that your ad is reaching the right people.
  • Checking and Optimization: It is important to Continuously analyzing ad performance, bids adjustments, refining ad copy, and target audience optimization to improve the successfulness of the campaigns

6. Online Public Relations Management

Online Public Relations (PR) Management is a vital factor of digital marketing which focuses on improving a brand’s reputation and making relationships with its targeted audience.

Here’s is how it works;

  • Media Relations: As the name indicates public relations thus in this type of digital marketing you have to focus on making relationships with online journalists, bloggers, and influencers because all those are very close to the public.
  • Content Creation: After making relationships and collaborations with the journalists, bloggers, and influencers produce and share quality content (articles, blog posts, interviews) that highlights your brand reviews and benefits.
  • Influencer Collaborations: The best way to target the public is to find an influencer having plenty of followers and partner with them online to target broader audiences and evaluate them for brand loyalty. Asking them to promote your ads to their followers
  • Social Media Engagement: Social Media is the biggest source in making and maintaining public relations because everyone in the world is surrounded by social media. Promotion of ads on social media can be very helpful in PR management of a brand.

7. Pay Per Click Advertisement (PPC)

PPC is an online model where marketers advertise their ad and pay each time when the ad is clicked online. It can be found on search engines and other social media platforms. It is relatively costly because it doesn’t have long term effects. As long as you are spending on advertisement you will be getting benefits and when you stop it will also stop giving traffic.

It involves the same steps as the SEM but it can also be applied on different social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Instagram that use meta algorithms to help you in targeting potential customers across the globe.

8. Email Marketing:

Email marketing involves sending emails directly to the targeted Audience for promoting a brand, product or business. It is done for purpose to build relationships with current and potential customers, in order to generate leads and sales.

Here is a guide on how it works:

  • List Building: list building is a Collection and management of a database of email addresses from customers and prospects. This can be done by using a website subscription list purchase, manually finding emails from Facebook, Instagram and linkedin using email marketing tools.
  • Campaign Creation: Before sending emails it is very important to do a complete research on customers desires about a specific brand or product and then Designing the email content accordingly, including promotional offers, newsletters, product updates, or event invitations. 
  • Sending and Automation: Different email marketing tools are used to schedule the time for sending emails and then follow up automations. This has made life easy for the email marketers.
  • Tracking and Analysis: Different email marketing tools allow you to track when the email was sent and how many people clicked on your links. Use this data for analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This will also help you to refine the future email campaigns accordingly.

Admin DMT

Admin DMT

Admin of Digital Marketing Time (DMT) is an expert digital marketer having vast experience in digital marketing.

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