What is the Concept 7 Cs In Digital Marketing

Updated: 01 Oct 2024


Digital Marketing is also known as online marketing because it totally depends on the online marketing channels. Digital Marketing is the best way of branding a product, service or business, but as it is concerned with the online platform thus marketing approach should be fair, high level, and full of research. If someone wants to promote his business , product or brand in a professional and profitable way then he should focus on 7 Cs of digital marketing because these are considered as the pillars in digital marketing. Here, in this article we are going to discuss important 7 Cs of digital marketing which are Content, Customer, Community, Context, Convenience, Cohesion and Conversion. As these names indicate the importance of these 7 Cs in online marketing, thus every marketer should go ahead by keeping their marketing value in mind.

7 Cs of Digital Marketing

Here are the important 7 Cs of online Marketing:

  1. Content
  2. Customer
  3. Community
  4. Context
  5. Convenience
  6. Cohesion
  7. Conversion
7 Cs in Digital Marketing

1. Content

In digital marketing content is a kind of information created to engage the audience. It can be in the form of texts (blog posts, Facebook posts, case studies, ebooks, forum posts etc) or media (Images, graphics, videos, 3d modelling, animation etc) depending on the interests and activities of the targeted audience. Content is everything in digital marketing because it is the first impression on the customer which always counts.

Role of Content in Digital Marketing

  • Audience Engagement: Content gives opportunities to manage the audience and address their needs by informative posts, images and videos which helps in making new marketing connections with them in the form of emails, messages and followers.
  • Seo Role: High quality content that is written by focusing on keywords appears in search engine results, and drives organic traffic to the website.
  • Branding: Quality content plays a role of backbone in branding because when something is presented in a unique way through content then it definitely attracts the viewer’s attention thereby increasing  brand’s voice, values, and personality.
  • Conversion: Content plays a vital role in conversions by guiding customers with the help of the sales funnel, from awareness to consideration, which leads  to conversion. Increased conversion rate is only possible by creating quality and engaging content.

Successful Content Strategy

  • Audience Research: Before creating content it is very important to conduct a research on what kind of content your audience likes and how you can target their pain points. Find relevant, high search volume and low competitive keywords about your audience.
  • Create Quality Content: After research, focus on creating high quality, relevant, engaging, valuable and highly informative content. It is better to use all kinds of content like blogs, images, graphics, videos and podcasts etc to target all types of audiences.
  • Content SEO: When you find relevant high search volume and low competitive keywords and then use them in meta titles, meta tags, and meta description Then there are enough chances of your content to rank. Make sure your content is structured beautifully and it is capable of improving visibility in search engine results.
  • Data Analysis: When content is ready for marketing publish it and check its performance regularly. Track engagement, bounce rate and conversions and then optimise the content accordingly.

2. Customer

Targeted audience is considered as the customers in digital marketing. Customers are a very important part of Marketing because online marketing is done for the purpose of increasing sales and generating leads which is only possible when there is a know-how of customers. Customers can be found on social media platforms, through Google and websites depending upon the specific niche. For example there are niches which need a video for explanation, so their audience (customers) may be on YouTube or Facebook. If someone wants to sell an eBook on math formulas then he may get customers from Google as it is a source of information across the world.

Role of customers in digital marketing

  • Engagement Drivers: Customers can be the engagement drivers for our digital marketing campaigns in the form of likes, shares, and comments.
  • Influencers: There is a possibility that Customers can become our brand advocates for future targeted audiences. Customers will lesser out marketing efforts by recommendations, reviews and social media shares.
  • Data Source: Customer’s reactions to our content is the biggest data source for us. These reactions can be tracked by using analytical tools for finding what kind of content performed and what changes are needed.
  • Conversion Agents: Our customers are our product buyers which drive more conversions. They make purchases and sing ups for newsletters which directly affects our marketing campaigns.

Successful Customer Strategy

  • Customer Research: In order to reach the targeted customers there must be a proper research for representing your business, products or brand before them.
  • Engagement and Interaction: Use different digital platforms such as Google, social media and websites for engaging with customers. Open quizzes, polls and live chats for customers’ interactions with your products.
  • Customer Journey Mapping: Check out the touchpoint of customers from interaction with your brands to conversion. This can help to reach more customers.
  • Customer Loyalty and Retention: Customers always look for those who are most loyal to them. Arrange customer loyalty programs and develop high exclusive campaigns and sale offers for existing customers.

3. Community

Number of people showing the same interests, goals and values on different digital platforms are referred to as a community. Building a digital community is the key for making a multinational brand. When we have more customers on our business pages OR websites then they will be considered as our community.

Role of Community in Digital Marketing

  • Engagement: Community is a group of people engaging and interacting with our brand on a specific level. This interaction of our customers helps in the engagement of more buyers for our products because when a number of people talks Or discuss about a product it forces others to take a look and check the properties of that product.
  • Brand Loyalty: When we have a strong community then we can easily share our thoughts on a daily basis with them. When we launch any of our new brands or products then the community will help us in Branding by sharing positive reviews, recommending products and services.
  • User Generated Content (UGC): The members of the community are Always giving reviews, posting on social media and generating testimonials. In this way communities can generate quality content that increases brand loyalty and attracts new customers.
  • More Trust: The community helps in building trust amongst the customers of our product by value discussions, feedback, engagement and reviews.

Successful Strategy for Building Community 

  • Find Audience and Provide Platform: Research on who can become your potential customer in the future by exploring their needs, interests and other activities. Provide a platform where they can show interest among each other.
  • Foster Engagement and Interaction: Create content that your audience likes to engage and interact with. Encourage their likes, Comments and shares on your content. Initiate events and programs for your community.
  • Help Each Other: Encourage the community members and work to empower them. Value their user generated content, identify and make community leaders and offer rewards and shout outs to the best performing members.
  • Analysis: Check the performance of the community on a daily basis and monitor it accordingly. It will help in expanding the right Audience in your community.

4. Context

Context is the environment and circumstances in which marketing messages and content is delivered to the audience. It includes search engines and social media campaigns which help in managing the right time and place for our marketing messages to be presented in front of our audience.

Role of Context in Digital Marketing

  • More Personalisation: Context is the basic and vital part of digital marketing because it helps in making personalised messages based on the research on a specific digital channel.
  • Build up User Experience: As the context deals with the environment in which the user is performing activities thus it helps in building content in the right way to increase the user experience.
  • Strengthen Engagement: Context is useful in making strong engagement on a specific platform as it closely connects the audience with each other by the use of valuable and relevant content.
  • Increased Return On Investment: With the help of context digital marketing can give tremendous ROI because it is the basis of building our marketing strategy.

Successful Context Strategy

  • Audience Research: Finding the right Audience deeply is a key factor in successful context strategy because a background for marketing purposes should have the Audience that can become our potential customers.
  • Survey the Customer Journey: Find out the Customer’s visit from awareness to consideration and then purchase. Understand when most of the audience is ready for content and messages, change the marketing efforts accordingly.
  • Hold Tightly on Data: Track the real time data on performance and use it for adjusting messages accordingly. As it provides mostly accurate data thus you can arrange the marketing actions based on user events and activities.
  • Contextual Content: Create content that is looking exactly the same as the Audience needs. If a customer is finding the right product, guide them about the pros and cons of that product. Use an internal source to direct them about your best products.

5. Convenience

Convenience is how easy it is for a customer to decide on buying a specific product. It is all about making it as easy, time saving and efficient as possible. If a customer finds difficulties in his journey from considering to purchasing your products then it will have negative effects on your marketing strategy. Digital Marketing is all about making it easier for buyers to decide on things by using audience research, content, and analysis.

Role of convenience in Digital Marketing

  • Improves User Experience: Role of convincing a customer about a product is a backbone because it increases the user experience and when our user is happy in marketing strategy then nothing can stop us from running successful campaigns.
  • More Conversion Rates: Once a customer is convinced from our marketing strategy, there are more chances that he will buy the products which leads to higher conversion rates.
  • Increased Customer Retention: Convenient digital marketing efforts lead to higher customer retention. When our products are according to customer needs and we use real time chats or detailed FAQs then users are encouraged to repeat the purchases.
  • Boosts Engagement on digital Channels: A convenient customer always shares his thoughts on different digital marketing channels, this will help in building up brand trust and audience engagement and interactions.

Successful Convenience Strategy 

  • Eye Catching Designs: Make sure your marketing posts, messages, emails, photos and videos are attractive, interesting and helpful so that the user can quickly find what he is going to look after clicking.
  • Mobile Optimistic: Make the content well optimised for opening on mobile because a huge number of potential traffic comes from mobile devices. Although it depends upon the product, service and brand, it should be optimised for increasing convenience.
  • Making Purchases Easier: Allowing customers to purchase the product with one click without going for signing ups increases the customer satisfaction. Providing easy payment methods like credit cards, master cards and digital wallets can boost our convenience rate.
  • Speed Optimization: Focus on optimising the speed of a website or social media channel so that it saves the user’s time. Allow speedy and cross device functionality for the users to interact on one device and continue the process on another device without losing the progress.

6. Cohesion

Cohesion is a marketing strategy that connects all the business promoting efforts and consistency aligned them one strategy. In fact it is the alignment of the product’s overall strategy across all digital marketing channels. It helps in enhancing brand loyalty, user experience and marketing efforts.

Role of Cohesion Digital Marketing

  • Consistency: Cohesion is helpful in maintaining a consistent brand voice across different digital channels, which includes social media platforms, websites, and email. This helps in reinforcing the brand loyalty, making it recognizable to consumers.
  • Visuals and Messages: Cohesion builds brand recognition by using the same logos, colours, fonts, and messages, and makes it clear that all marketing efforts display the same Brand.
  • Strong Targeting: Cohesion deals with consistent messages and visuals which improve targeting efforts by making sure that all marketing strategies direct to the same audience.
  • Professionalism: Cohesive digital approach shows professionalism and reliability. When branding and messaging are consistent, customers consider the brand as more trustworthy.

Successful Cohesion Strategy 

  • Brand Identity: Always use a clear tone when explaining how your brand communicates with its audience. Make it more interesting by using the same logos, fonts and colours.
  • Align Messages: Make sure that all the marketing messages and visuals are the same across all digital platforms including websites, social media platforms and emails.
  • Clear CTA: Use the Call to action in a very consistent way in all the marketing strategies. All CTAs must convey the same messages and goals such as sign ups for a newsletter or making a purchase.
  • Campaign Consistency: For a successful Cohesion Strategy make sure that all campaign elements are matched to reinforce the campaign’s core message and objectives.

7. Conversion

In digital marketing, the completion of a desire by a customer from awareness to purchasing is referred as conversion. Conversion occurs when our potential buyer sees our marketing message, comes to check the details and finally buys the product.

Role of Conversion in Digital Marketing

  • Maximum Revenue: Conversion is all about converting visitors into customers which increases sales and maximises revenue. More the conversion rate, the more will be the sales.
  • Lead generation: Conversion also occurs when a visitor signs up for a newsletter, downloads a white paper, or requests a demo which increases lead generation. Lead generation is crucial for the sales pipeline.
  • Campaign Performance: Tracking conversions rate is very helpful in checking the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. When you find which campaign drives better conversions, then you can launch other campaigns accordingly.
  • Return On Investment: conversion rate directly affects the return on investment. More the conversion rate, more will be return on investment. Higher conversion rates drive more revenue thereby increasing ROI.

Successful Conversion Strategy

  • Customer Personas: Customer persona is a plan which includes details about customers desires, needs, interests and activities. Creating detailed customer personas helps in understanding preferences and pain points of the target audience. Launching a campaign according to customer persona increases the conversion rates.
  • Landing Pages Optimization: First impression is the last impression if a potential customer comes to the buyer page and finds very slow speeds then how he will be satisfied to buy the products, thus optimization of landing Pages directly impacts the conversion rates.
  • Data Analysis: Consistent data analysis is a key factor in building a successful conversion strategy. Changing and launching new campaigns according to the conversion rate analysis can significantly improve the conversion rate in new campaigns.
  • Personalised Content: Creating content based on the needs, desires, preferences, interests and activities of the audience force the customers to visit and purchase the product.

If we sum up our above discussions in a conclusion then we can say that these 7 C’s are fundamentals in running successful digital marketing campaigns. If someone wants to launch a marketing campaign then he must consider these 7 C’s of digital marketing. Understanding these 7 C’s provide a framework for business promotion by digital marketing. This 7 C’s consideration will not only increase the return on investment but also help in enhancing brand awareness, voice and advocacy.

Admin DMT

Admin DMT

Admin of Digital Marketing Time (DMT) is an expert digital marketer having vast experience in digital marketing.

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